
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Graceful Aging

 My birthday included three trips to Union Station in two days, Los Chingones "El Pistol" margaritas and belly laughter...

However, it was Friday in which I was left with an interaction that would intermittantly consume my thoughts over the weekend. As I sat there chatting with my friends, I couldn't help but notice an adorable couple sitting in romantic high back chairs enjoying a glass of wine together, their interactions filled with chemistry. I wondered what their story was, some of their greatest memories and some of their most difficult times. Even without the answers to these questions, I was emotionally involved, anxiously craving a lasting piece of the moment. With the loving encouragement from The Walrus, I reacted to that moment, asking their permission to photograph, "such a beautiful couple". They graciously obliged.

As I walk in year thirty-two, I hope to live a life filled with moments that unintentionally and positively impact someone's life; moments that inspire, moments that create a spontaneous emotional reaction, just as this unknown couple did for me.

Express tank, Goodwill Outlet ($1.50)
Scarf, Mountain Thrift ($2.00)
Necklace, Goodwill ($2.50)
Bracelet, ARC ($2.00)

Love Fire shirt, ARC ($2.50)
Forever 21 skirt, ARC ($5.00)

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